This logo for the Metro Goldwyn Mayer production company. This logo is very well know, because of the iconic lion and the roar. This looks eye catching because the logo is on a neutral background. The gold stands out.

This 20th century fox logo is very different to the logos above, it is three dimensional rather than 2 dimensional Which makes it bolder and more appealing. This logo has a sound track, which is very epic and iconic, which makes it stand out.
Blue sky production company, have a very simple logo. It is a calm logo, rather than a bold, so it is not as striking as other logos. So it may not catch as many people's attention. The font is again simple, but the films they production (ice age, robots) are aimed for children so calm fits their target audience.
This logo for Universal is very iconic, and bold. The 3 dimensional planet standout, and the bold font stands out against the planet and neutral back ground. The animation used is quite realistic, which is interesting and appealing.

This logo is for paramount, and the word 'paramount' is on top of a mountain. The writing is in front of the sky which is blue and the word is white, so it stands out. The background itself is different to other logos, because they have tried to capture something that is interesting rather than a neutral background.

This Columbia production logo looks old fashioned, and not as modern as logos such as Lionsgate. The light also makes the 'U' harder to see, but the whole logo is interesting because it is more complex.
This SpyGlass production logo, is simple. It uses a silhouette of a man on a blue background, which makes it stand out. This logo incorporates sound as well, which makes it more rememberable than logos that do not. The bright blue colour, adds depth to the logo, making it more iconic due to the contrast.
Researching about these existing logos, has taught me that using sound, colour and bold font makes a logo iconic. I have also learnt that if I was to use a neutral background the fore ground would stand out more. But if I was to use a complex and busy background, it could make our logo more interesting. But the logo wouldn't make a huge impression on the audience. The 3 dimensional logo's are more inviting, but will be more time consuming to create. But if we put more time into our logo, we will have a better finished piece.
By Sophie Bishop
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