Camera, Youtube, phone and Garage Band.
To get the soundtrack onto our sequence I had to use Garage band. I learnt a lot about garage band, for example I learnt how to layer tracks to make sounds appear more darker, to create tension and suspense. I also learnt how to create sound effects and how to add them on garage band to create foley. I had used garage band before, but now my skills have become more developed.
We've used YouTube to upload all of our videos we have created. I've learnt about how to upload videos onto YouTube. Also how to share the videos I have created, so others can view our videos so we can get feedback.
I have developed my camera skills a lot more. Through making the thriller sequence I learnt about new camera shots (360 degrees and extreme close ups). I've also learnt about using tripods so the camera isn't shaky when filming, and also making sure not to cut off the top of heads when recording people. I've learnt the importance of the camera being focused too.
We had to use our phone a lot during the making of our sequence. When recording certain shots I learnt I would have to turn my phone so it was horizontal, so a black border wouldn't appear. I also learnt how to edit and upload from my phone, for example using apps like splice, YouTube and blogger.
Sophie Bishop:
We used Final cut pro to create a basic edit. We have learnt how to use Final cut pro, to cut footage and place it into our sequence. I used Final cut pro to practise the pleasantville effect, but I decided against using Final cut pro for this. This taught myself that Final Cut Pro is better to use for basic edits, rather than for effects.n We also learnt how to render and export, through making videos to practise and from making our basic edit. We know how to use Final Cut Pro, which will allow us to quickly and efficiently edit videos in the future.
I used After effects to create the pleasantville effect, and to add the titles. I learnt how to selctive one colour, and transform the rest of the picture black and white, I also learnt how to give the footage a blue tone, motion tracking text, adding font, using masks, applying transitions and changing the contrast and brightness of footage. I have learnt these, from doing experiments, before I did the final cut, which taught me how to manage my time well. I now know how to use after effects, so I can now carry on developing my skills and editing videos.

We have used blogger a lot, we have learnt how to add posts and change setting. We have used blogger to present, all of our work. We will know be able to continue using blogger, to present any future work.
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