Thursday, 5 December 2013

Initial Production Logo's

This logo sequence incorporates the Sun, which ties into the name 'Sun Productions'. It is simple but captures the production company name, the sound track also creates suspense, which ties into our thriller title sequence opening.

I have firstly created a new composition, and imported an image of the sun's surface. I have then used the cc Sphere effect, which created the base of the sun.  Then used the glow effect, and duplicated the layer, making the bottom layer glow threshold higher, so the sides glow further. I pre-composed both sun layers, so I could move them at the same time together. Then I have used key frames to make the sun move towards the screen, and then exit. I have also changed the size, so it got bigger towards the end of the sequence.
I have then chosen my font, Movie Letters, and turned it into a 3D layer, I have also added a camera layer. The camera layer and 3D layer, have allowed me to position the text on a slant.
At this point I wanted the sun to travel over the top of the text, as if the font was in space. I used the pen tool to create a mask around the sun. I then put a key frame here so it would stay. I then moved to the end of the sequence, and moved and re sized the mask. I then went kept going through the sequence, making sure the mask always covered the sun. I then made sure the solid layer I created the mask in was above the text layer. By clicking on the text layer, and changed the Trkmat to Alpha Inverted Matt. 
I added the audio in, and faded the logo in and out as well as the audio.

I have made a simple yet eye catching logo, with a clear title of our production company. 

Firstly I chose a font and drew a line on Photoshop, and then imported that onto After Effects as a JPEG.

I have then used a lens flare, and positioned it at the begging of the line. I have then placed a key frame at zero at the begging of the three second sequence. I then placed it towards the end and changed the 'end' to one hundred percent. 
This is the sound track, which I have made on garage band, and imported onto After Effects.

This production logo is slightly more complex, but still simple so it does not distract from our actual title sequence.

I have firstly drawn masks using the pen tool on a new solid layer, this is how the lines will know were to go. I have then added the stroke effect, and change 'end' to zero at the start, and then one hundred at the end. It now moves.
I repeat this again in another direction. I then add the glow effect, I then adjust this to the correct brightness so it stands out.
I then create a new solid layer, and use the text too to write 'Sun Productions'. I used the pen mask tool again to write over the top of the text. I then use the stroke tool again.
I have then drawn the light bulb,and added the glow tool, making it brighter towards the end of the sequence.
This is the sound track which I have made on Garage Band, and then imported onto After Effects.

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